Contracting with Simplicity New Orleans is now easier than ever!

First, read the instructions below and then click the “SureLC Producer Web Access” button on the right to get started. If you have never had a SureLC account before, after you click the button you will have to click the blue “Register New Account” button on that page. Complete the question bank ONLY ONCE.

What do you need to get started?

  1. Computer with scanning ability or fax machine.
  2. E & O information (Declaration Page, individual and agency, if applicable)
  3. Voided Check to go with the EFT form.
  4. LIMRA password (if you wish SureLC to pull your information.) This is for the AML (Anti Money Laundering certificate- Must be within 2 years)
  5. LTC Partnership Training CE Certificate. Many states require this, even for the LTC rider on a life policy.


  • Enter your data once into the secure online system, and it can then be used to complete future contracting paperwork.
  • Automatically integrates with NIPR (National Insurance Producer Registry) to provide up-to-date state licensing and carrier appointment information.
  • Can provide notifications to you when state licenses are to be renewed.
  • Online contracting available with all of our core carriers.
  • As you contract with new carriers, only the information that is unique to that carrier will be needed.
  • You can complete your agent profile, from start to finish, in less than 15 minutes.

ALREADY COMPLETED SURELC REGISTRATION AND NEED A NEW APPOINTMENT? Simply send Licensing an e-mail that you want to add a carrier appointment.

WHY SureLC? Agents were always complaining about filling out licensing paperwork. SureLC is a bank of questions that you answer. The bank is a collection of questions that most of the carriers ask. Most of the carriers subscribe to SureLC and approve of this electronic application. As your Brokerage General Agency, we pay your fee to utilize this system. There are a few carriers that do NOT use this system. We find this to be an efficient way to do business and it allows you to focus your time on sales.

For additional information review the User Manual or contact Licensing at for assistance.

Questions? Contact our Licensing dept. by phone:
504-837-2300 or
by e-mail: